
General Informationkakao_text-(1).jpg

Cocoa is the product of the fruit of the cocoa tree (lat. Theobroma cacao), which requires a hot, humid climate, an average shade temperature of 27°C and well distributed precipitation. Therefore, cocoa can only be cultivated in regions within a latitude of 20° from the equator.
Our partner Altinmarka is the world's second largest producer of industrial chocolate and an important trading partner. Altinmarka only uses beans for its products which are imported directly from producing countries such as Ghana, Ivory Coast, Trinidad, Tobago, Guatemala, Venezuela and Cameroon.

Features & Benefits

After roasting and grinding the cocoa beans, the cocoa mass is obtained. When it is subjected to high pressure in hydraulic presses, the liquid fat in the mass separates from the cocoa solids. This produces cocoa butter and the so-called "cocoa press cake". This "cocoa press cake" is first crushed, then cooled and then ground into fine cocoa powder. By adjusting the pressure level in the hydraulic press, the cocoa butter content in the cocoa powder varies. The cocoa powder is used in its natural form or alkalised (more easily soluble, darker) and, in addition to various industrial applications, serves as a basic material for milk and dark chocolate.

Food law aspects & certifications

All European food law requirements are fulfilled. 
Altinmarka is UTZ & Rainforest Alliance, GHP, GMP, ISO 22000, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified. Most raw materials are Halal and Kosher. 


Available in 25kg packages on 1000kg pallets.  
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